Sunday, June 3, 2007

Eyes - The Mirror of the Soul !

Have u ever thought dat eyes are actually the mirror of the soul.I think one can tell the relationship between different animals and humans by looking into their eyes. Think of a dog's eyes...It almost always have an expectant look, like it's waiting to get something from you. it can then change to satisfaction, regret, or fear according to the treatment given to them. And den a cow almost always has a resigned and sad look, like saying I have given so much to you...A caged bird looks as if it cant believe how somebody could be so cruel to lock it up in a small confining space. Apes usually look like they are trying to figure out where they might have seen us before, we must look so familiar. Tigers and lions hold a challenge in their eyes...ready to fight it out if necessary to determine who the leaderorking ...of the animal world actually is.

They are all trying to understand us .......and our art of deception by which we can mask our feelings and actions. They fail to understand the hypocrisy and treachery of human beings by which we mask our real feelings and emotions from reaching our eyes.

I think the only animal that has figured us out are the cats.......the piercing, distrusting, and scornful eyes clearly saying....I Don't trust you!!!

I remember one of the song called Naina from the movie "Omkara" which happens to be one of my fav..The lines of the song sound so real.

Naino kee mat maniyo re..Naino kee mat suniyo

Naina Thag Lengay....!

(Dont believe or lissen to one's eyes ,They gonna cheat u)


Unknown said...

Not only animals but humans also do communicate a lot through the eyes. sometimes the eyes speak more than your lips do and people understand eyes faster than words.
a female uses her eyes to the maximum in expressing anger, love, blush, shock, excitement, query, etc etc, over words as they would like you to understand her soul than her outer covering.
You would see a lot of songs or poems written on the eyes of a female than a male as the females use their eyes more creatively than men who prefer words to let their thoughts out.

Unknown said... more thing....tht song is awesome and very real....
always look at the eyes of a gal before any of her body parts....her eyes speak to you, see you, feel you and not the rest of her body parts...
keep this point in mind to understand a lady better.

ஐ๑۩๑ஐﻬ VIXﻬஐ๑۩๑ஐ said...

well said Anil..
But on comparing animals wid humans u find ...the animal eyes..they dont cheat u..they dont have a treachery or ne hypocrisy hidden inside it....
but we human beings..they gonna say smtgh...think smtgh else n den they gonna ditch u thru their eyes...

Anonymous said...

Thats very true.your eyes reveil ur true part-You cant hide.Take care!

Anonymous said...

Well I personally believe its the eyes which actually speak more than the lips...Many times I find people speaking something but when I look into their eyes they don't seem to support wat they speak....I strongly believe that eyes can never lie...or rather a person needs to be an expert to lie thro his eyes...Lying thro lips is something almost everybody can do...I learnt this lesson the hard way and have made it point to have an eye contact whenever I talk to someone...It really helps..

ham said...

yah~! i personally believe a person who is lying cannot look into the eyes of the other person , n if if the latter tries to make an eye contact,the former would look elsewhere n try 2 escape its sometimes easy to catch lies of other people by peeping into their eyes......n this really helps a lot~~!

Anonymous said...

It is true eyes speak louder than one''s lips most of the times.
But Niky .. even lips can speak louder at times ;)

Anonymous said...

I lie on very rare situation....once I lied and my jiju said look into my eyes and say that agian, I looked into his eyes and with confidence repeated the same thing.....He said..engg...chor mere business main aaja bahut taraki karegi(he''s a marketting guy) aankhon main dekhke jhooth bol sakta hai woh humare field main kamyab hota hai...That was the most embarrashiing situation of my life....I do lie but do not look into the eyes when I do:):)

Anonymous said...

Yo ! seem to understand psychology as well......I agree EYES are windows of ur mind, but one has to be really good to look at the eyes to know the intentions!
Keep blogging!!!