Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Art of - Money Laundering

Whuzzup, Peeps? Did you miss me?You see I was bushed last night! Still, I woke up feeling pretty chipper, so thats good! Well today I m gonna talk about smtgh very interesting and that's Money Laundering!. Well it interests me actually....
Well Money Laundering is a crime in many  jurisdictions with varying definitions.It is actually the practice of disguising illegally obtained funds so that they seem legal.More likely a process by which the black money is made white(clean). "The art is to keep that switch hidden

It is a key operation of the underground economy.

   Below is a lil workout on learning  the art of Money-Laundering

1st Stage: Placement Stage
Ø      Usually a Bank or a Financial Institution
2nd Stage: Laundering stage
Ø      Buy stocks, then: if the value goes up, they make more money; if it doesn’t, they sell.
Ø      Buy properties, borrowing the money from an offshore company (offshore company = OUT OF THE COUNTRY); then they SLOWLY pay off the mortgage
Ø      Buy pieces of art, then they re-sell it charging a higher price, making more money and from a Clean Source.
3rd Stage: Integration Stage
Ø      The CLEAN MONEY is now integrated into the economy…        
My professor would have killed me by now on skipping  all his marketing projects for dis post. So Guys plz feel free to enlighten me on the same wid sum better ideas or views, if any, so dat I can learn the art more properly..lolz..........

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